Demo pros and cons

  • Pros
    • I think we explained our code and how we did our project well as most of the parents seemed to understand
    • Each of our features were good and worked well together as the parents seemed to understand how they related
    • The demo was also just overall really smooth, no bugs in the code or hicups in explainging anything
  • Cons
    • I think we could hav had our features more organized as going from page to page within our timebox was a little bit weird.

Feedback for our project

  • I think a good addition after hearing feedback, mainly from other students in CSP or CSA, for my CPT project feature would be more integration with Dante’s feature. I could add a feature where the users recomended deck could be a saved deck automatically instead of user having to take that recomendation and manually put it in themselves.

  • A menu when you log in would be good because I could see some of the parents were confused on where each page is

  • A page on what the game is could also help the parents understand and appreciate the project more.

Pictures of other projects and people interacting with ours

Something I saw that impressed me in Comp Sci

I really liked this one project from Ronit’s team because of how “fun” it was and unique. I liked their demo and the front page was really unique and cool.

Something I saw outside of Comp Sci

I went to the photography room and I saw a lot of really cool and visually pleasing photos, the colors were good, and the photos were very creative